Evergreen Groundcover Varieties for Zone 8
Here are some of the best plants for evergreen groundcover in zone 8: Pachysandra – Pachysandra likes partial to full shade. Reaches 6 to 9 inches (15-23 cm.) in height. Prefers moist, fertile soil. Effectively crowds out weeds. Confederate Jasmine – Confederate jasmine likes partial shade. Produces fragrant white flowers in the spring. Reaches 1 to 2 feet (31-61 cm.) in height. Drought tolerant and needs well-draining soil. Juniper – The horizontal or creeping varieties of juniper vary in height but tend to grow to between 6 and 12 inches (15-31 cm.). As they grow, the needles mesh together to form a dense mat of foliage. Creeping Phlox – Reaches 6 inches (15 cm.) in height. Prefers full sun. Likes well drained soil. Creeping phlox produces tiny needle-like leaves and lots of flowers in shades of white, pink, and purple. St. John’s Wort – St. John’s wort likes full sun to partial shade. Reaches 1 to 3 feet (31-91 cm.) in height. Prefers well drained soil. Produces bright yellow flowers in the summer. Bugleweed – Bugleweed reaches 3 to 6 inches (8-15 cm.) in height. Likes full to partial shade. Produces spikes of blue flowers in the spring. Periwinkle – Periwinkle can be invasive– check with your state extension before planting. Produces light blue flowers in the spring and throughout the summer. Cast Iron Plant – Reaches 12 to 24 inches (31-61 cm.) in height. Cast iron plant prefers partial to deep shade, will thrive in a variety of tough and poor conditions. Leaves have a nice tropical look.