What are These Aphids on My Oleander?

You may see oleanders and aphids together regularly if you live in some southern states, like Florida. When you have oleanders, and aphids attack these shrubs, the odds are great that the insects are oleander aphids. What are oleander aphids? They are bright yellow, sap-sucking insects that can be found in warm regions throughout the world. These aphids probably originated in the Mediterranean, which is also the native country of oleander plants.

Oleander and Aphids

If you have aphids on your oleander, you’ll want to know what these insects are likely to do to the shrubs. Oleander aphids suck up sap from the host plants and produce a sticky substance called honeydew. Honeydew is sugary, and something other insects, such as ants, like to eat. You’ll often see ants living close to aphids and tending to them not unlike shepherds’ care for sheep. Honeydew is not attractive on the leaves of oleanders. As it accumulates, unattractive black sooty mold is likely to follow.

How to Get Rid of Oleander Aphids?

The best way to get rid of oleander aphids is through cultural controls. If you reduce irrigation and fertilization, your oleander will produce less of the tender shoots that attract aphids. On smaller plants, you can try pruning out infested shoots. You can also wash off aphids with a hose. Neem oil can help too. One natural way to get control of oleander aphids is to purchase and release their insect enemies. A parasitic wasp is one aphid enemy. It lays its eggs inside an aphid nymph. In time, the wasp larva develops into a wasp inside the aphid. It cuts a hole in the aphid so that it can get out. The aphid’s bodily organs have already been eaten by the wasp, and its empty body is called a mummy. Another great natural predator of aphids is the dependable ladybug.

What To Do About Aphids On My Oleander   Control Of Oleander Aphids In The Garden - 82