Mushroom Herb Info

An attractive plant with shiny, deep green leaves and blue-violet flowers in springtime, mushroom herb plants usually top out at about 24 inches (61 cm.) at maturity. However, regular pinching and frequent harvesting prevents legginess and keeps the plant bushy and compact. Mushroom plant thrives in rich soil, so dig 2 or 3 inches (5-8 cm.) of compost into the soil at planting time. Find a location where the plant is in partial shade or light sunlight, as mushroom herb plants tend to be smaller when exposed to a lot of direct sunlight or intense heat. Although this plant is relatively drought tolerant, it grows faster with regular irrigation. Mushroom herb plant hales from tropical climates and won’t tolerate extreme cold. If you live north of USDA planting zone 9, growing mushroom herb plants in the garden won’t be feasible. Instead, plant mushroom herb in a container and bring it indoors when temperatures drop in autumn.

Mushroom Plant Uses

Mushroom plant is an amazingly healthy plant, providing nutrients such as calcium, protein, iron, beta-carotene, and vitamins A and C. Mushroom herb plants are also rich in chlorophyll, which herbalists appreciate for its blood cleansing properties. Mushroom plant herbs are great for people who choose not to eat fungi for health reasons, or those who enjoy the flavor of mushrooms but not the texture. Cooking actually brings out the distinctive mushroom-like flavor. Add leaves to cooked dishes at the last minute to prevent loss of color and nutrients.

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