What is Langbeinite Fertilizer?

Langbeinite is a mineral that is made of important nutrients for plants: potassium, magnesium, and sulfur. It’s found only in a few places. In the U.S., langbeinite is extracted from mines close to Carlsbad, New Mexico. The evaporation of ancient oceans left behind unique minerals, including this one.

What is Langbeinite Used For?

As a fertilizer, langbeinite is considered potash, meaning it supplies potassium. However, it also contains magnesium and sulfur, which makes it even more desirable as a well-rounded fertilizer. Since all three elements are combined in one mineral, any sample of langbeinite has a uniform distribution of the nutrients. Another aspect of langbeinite that makes it desirable as a garden fertilizer is that it does not change soil acidity. Other types of magnesium fertilizer can alter the pH, making soil more alkaline or acidic. It is also used as a fertilizer for plants that cannot tolerate much salt or chloride.

How to Use Langbeinite

When adding langbeinite to soil in your garden or containers, follow instructions on the packaging to get proportions right. Here are some general guidelines for various uses of langbeinite:

For plants in containers, add one tablespoon of fertilizer per gallon of soil and mix well.

In vegetable and flower beds, use one to two pounds (0.5-1 kg.) of langbeinite per 100 square feet (9 sq. m.). For best results, mix it into the soil before planting.

Use one-half to one pound (one half kg. or a little less) of langbeinite for every one inch (2.5 cm.) of tree or shrub trunk diameter. Mix it into the surface soil around the tree or bush as far as the drip line. 

Langbeinite is water soluble, so as long as you mix it into the soil and water plants well, they should be able to absorb and access the nutrients.