Brown Goldring Info
What is Brown Goldring lettuce? Its name leaves something to be desired (who wants brown lettuce, anyway?), but this plant has deceptively sweet, tasty leaves and succulent, golden hearts that are ranked among the most delicious by gardeners. Its name comes from the Goldring family of Bath, England, who first developed the variety. The “brown” comes from the color of its outer leaves, which are streaked with brown veins and copper colored along the edges. Within these leaves are pleasing yellow to green centers, sometimes known as “leaf canoes.” These are prized for their sweetness, crunchiness, and juiciness.
Brown Goldring Lettuce Plant History
Brown Goldring is an old heirloom variety of lettuce, originally known as Goldring Bath Cos. In 1923, it won the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Merit. Most sellers of this seed bemoan its lack of popularity, usually citing the unappealing name as the probable culprit. The seeds are still readily available, however, and they are well worth seeking out if you’re looking for a new lettuce variety.
How to Grow Brown Goldring Lettuce
Brown Goldring lettuce plants can be grown like most other varieties of lettuce. Their seeds can be sown before the last frost of spring, or in late summer for a fall crop. They tend to mature in 55 to 70 days. They prefer neutral soil, cool temperatures, moderate moisture, and full sun. They are best harvested all at once in the middle of summer (or autumn, for late crops). Their sweetness and crispness are ideal for salads or added onto a sandwich.