Nebraska USDA Plant Hardiness Map for Gardeners

If you live in Nebraska and are planning your garden, it is wise to check your location on the Nebraska planting map. The map above is based on the new USDA plant hardiness map, which is the result of 30 years of data collection across the United States. Depending on the zone you are in, certain plants will be able to survive winter temperatures in your area better than others. Nebraska has four zones in the state as indicated on the new 2012 USDA plant hardiness map. The Nebraska planting map includes 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b. The majority of the state experiences extreme winter low temperatures of -20 degrees F. to -10 degrees F. (-29 to -23 C.). Knowing which planting zone you are in helps to ensure you will not lose plants over the winter months. Enlarge the above map and find your location in order to determine your growing zone. Those that are new to gardening should pay particular attention to the Nebraska plant map and use the information as a base for selecting plants. Native plants and those that are sold locally will do best in the Nebraska winter. Always check the Nebraska plant map before incorporating any new shrub, tree, or flowers into your garden.