How to Store Kohlrabi Plants

The leaves of young kohlrabi can be eaten much like spinach or mustard greens and should be eaten as soon as possible. If you aren’t going to eat them the day they were harvested, trim the leaves from the stem and then place them in a Ziploc baggie with a damp paper towel in the crisper of your refrigerator. Storing kohlrabi leaves in this manner will keep them fresh and edible for about a week. Kohlrabi storage for the leaves is easy enough, but how about keeping the kohlrabi “bulb” fresh? Kohlrabi bulb storage is pretty much the same as for the leaves. Remove the leaves and stems from the bulb (the swollen stem). Store this bulbous stem in a Ziploc bag without a paper towel in the crisper of your refrigerator. How long does kohlrabi keep in this manner? Kept in a sealed bag as described above in the crisper of your refrigerator, kohlrabi will last for about a week. Eat it as soon as possible, however, to take advantage of all of its delicious nutrients. One cup of diced and cooked kohlrabi has only 40 calories and contains 140% of the RDA for vitamin C!

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