How to Stake Pepper Plants
Staking pepper plants may not be a requirement for growing them in your garden, but it has its advantages. Not only does pepper staking help support plants, keeping them upright, but pepper staking can also reduce sunscald on fruits and helps keep them off the ground, where they are susceptible to pests or rotting. The best way to stake peppers is to drive a wooden or metal stake next to the plant or every 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 m.) per row. Then, simply tie the main stem and branches of the plant loosely to the stake using torn sheets or pantyhose. Continue to add ties as needed while the plants are actively growing. Even if you’re growing peppers in a container, you can still support pepper plants with stakes. For staking pepper plants in pots, drive the stake into the soil of the pot, or for more stability, place it in the ground next to the pot and tie it off.
Using Cages to Support Pepper Plants
Some people prefer to support pepper plants with cages rather than staking pepper plants. For this you can use wire tomato cages — store bought or homemade. Homemade pepper cages are constructed much the same as those used for growing and supporting tomato plants. For more information on building these supports, check out the following article: Tips for Building Tomato Cages.