Characteristics of  Small-Flowered Bittercress

Cardamine parviflora may be confused with similar looking plants such as C. pensylvanica (Pennsylvania Bittercress) and C. hirsuta (Hairy Bittercress).  Small-flowered bittercress is an erect bittercress weed variety with elongated clusters of stalked flowers borne upon branching stems. The tiny flowers bloom from March to May and are followed by small, slender pods.  The blooms of sand bittercress are about one-eighth inch (3 mm.) across with four rounded white petals accented with six pale yellow stamens. The four sepals are green or a light purple, oblong, and half as long as the petals. 

Further Description of Cardamine parviflora

Sand bittercress is a petite bittercress weed, about 8 inches (20 cm.) tall with small basal and stem leaves under 1 to 1.5 inches (2.5-4 cm.) in length. The plant may have a few branches at its base or be branchless.  Sand bittercress is pinnately divided into four pairs of narrow leaflets and a single terminal leaf. Terminal leaves are narrow, not rounded.  Cardamine parviflora is spread via human interaction and can be found growing in woods, along lightly wooded bluffs, rocky glades, damp depressions, home gardens, constructions sites, and urban areas.  Small-flowered bittercress prefers full sun to light shade with either moist to dry conditions. It adapts to many types of soil.

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