Trees That Grow in Shade
Few, if any, trees do better in shade than in sun, but many tolerate shade. When you are growing trees in shade, it is easiest to find trees that accept light shade. It is hardest to find good tree choices for heavy shade areas. If you search for a tree for a light-shade area, you have many to choose from, including evergreens, conifers, and deciduous broad leaf. For example, you might plant:
Flowering dogwood Eastern redbud American holly
For medium or moderate shade areas, try the following trees:
European beech Japanese maple Sugar maple Black alder Staghorn sumac
If you plan to install a tree in heavy shade, you still have options. The following trees that grow in shade will tolerate heavy shade fairly well:
Pawpaw American hornbeam Allegheny serviceberry
About Shade Loving Trees
Remember that not all trees that tolerate shade can be said to be shade loving trees. A tree may survive in shade yet lose some of its decorative features. For example, some trees that flower generously in sunshine may produce far fewer flowers in shade. And deciduous trees that provide brilliant autumn displays when grown in sun may not change leaf color dramatically when grown in shade. Japanese maple is a good example. Now that you know a little about some of the best trees for shade, you can tuck them away in shady spots of the landscape.