The following seasonal garden calendar should provide basic guidelines but always be aware of your particular growing zone before planting. Your local garden center or OSU Extension Office can provide specifics.

Tips on Oregon Planting in April

Western Oregon (Zones 8-9):

Beets, turnips and rutabagasSwiss chardOnion setsLeeksAsparagusChivesCarrotsRadishesSweet cornPeasCabbage, cauliflower, and other cole crops

Eastern and Central Oregon (Higher Elevations, zones 6):


Eastern Oregon (Lower Elevations: Snake River Valley, Columbia River Valley, Zone 7):

BroccoliBeansBeets and turnipsWinter and summer squash (transplants)CucumbersPumpkinsCabbage, cauliflower, and other cole crops (transplants)CarrotsOnions (sets)Swiss chardLima and snap beansRadishesParsley

Oregon Gardening Tips for April

Gardeners in most areas can prepare garden soil by digging in compost, manure, or other organic materials. However, don’t work the soil if it’s wet, as you may do long term damage to soil quality. April is a good time to fertilize berries including blueberries, gooseberries, and currants. Gardeners in mild, rainy western Oregon should be working on slug control in April. Clean up leaves, wood, and other debris that serve as handy hiding places for slugs. Set out bait (use non-toxic slug bait if you have kids or pets). Pull weeds while they’re still young and easy to manage. Be ready to protect newly planted vegetables with row covers or hot caps if frosty nights are predicted.

Seasonal Garden Calendar   Learn About Oregon Planting In April - 10