What is the Alexandre Girault Climbing Rose?

Those growing Alexandre Girault climbing roses are often lured to it by the large, bright pink flower blooms which feature a somewhat fruity scent. Reaching heights of nearly 20 feet (6 m.), rambling roses of this magnitude have the true ability to make a dramatic visual impact in the garden once established. This, along with its habit of repeat bloom, makes it an ideal candidate for growers who wish to add vertical appeal to the growing space. 

Growing Alexandre Girault Roses

Before planting climbing or rambling roses, it’s important to understand the growth habit of the plant. Since ramblers are among the largest rose garden plants, it is imperative to choose a location with ample space, and provide a strong structure on which the vines can be tied or trained.  Growing Alexandre Girault rose is similar to growing other roses and has the same general site specific requirements. Foremost, rambling roses will need a well-draining location in full sun.  Bare roots or transplants will need to be obtained from a garden center. Alexandre Girault climbing roses may also be propagated by cuttings. However, they will take several seasons to become established.  To plant roses, dig a hole that is twice the width and twice the depth of the plant’s roots. Gently backfill the hole with soil after planting and water the site well.  Like all roses, care needs to be taken to monitor for and prevent common rose diseases and issues related to insects. Pruning is also vital to the maintenance and health of rambling roses. This task is most commonly completed in late summer and involves the removal of overgrown plant stems. This removal of stems is key to the promoting the roses’ bloom in seasons to come.