Can You Prune Citronella?
Scented geraniums prefer a sunny, well-drained location with afternoon shade. Siting mosquito plants close to the patio or where people congregate makes handy access to its citronella properties. Hardy in zones 9 to 11, mosquito plant also does well in containers that can be moved inside in cooler zones. Lavender flowers brighten the plant’s ruffled, green foliage in late summer and early fall. However, the fragrant leaves of scented geraniums are the primary attraction. Keeping the foliage looking healthy and tidy with regular pruning can help with this. Citronella plants can reach 2 to 4 feet (0.6 to 1 meter) in height. You can pinch back citronella to form a more compact, bushy plant. The lacey, fragrant leaves also work well in summer floral bouquets so feel free to prune often. The stems also can be cut and dried.
How to Cut Back Citronella Geranium Plants
As mosquito plants grow, they may become leggy or flowering may diminish. Most mosquito plant pruning will involve pinching back the stems to encourage branching and increase blooms. Here’s how to cut back citronella:
Remove spent blooms by pinching off just below the flower with thumb and forefinger.
To increase flowering, prune stems where they connect to the main stem by pinching off the entire stem.
Any stems that are too thick to pinch can be cut back with pruning shears.
If plants become woody by summer’s end, propagate a new plant by taking cuttings from non-woody stems and inserting them in a container filled with lightweight potting soil.
Growing your own citronella can be a fun addition to outdoor entertaining.