Crispin Apple Information

The Crispin apple comes from a cross between Golden Delicious and a Japanese apple known as Indo. The fruits are prized for their complex flavor with notes of spice, sweetness, and honey. It is also very juicy. Crispin can be eaten raw and fresh, but it also stands up well and holds its shape in cooking and baking. These apples can also be stored for several months. Mutsu or Crispin apples ripen around the end of September, although one problem with these trees is that they may only produce fruit biennially. It is also important to know that Crispin trees will not pollinate other apple trees, but it can be pollinated by any other variety nearby.

Growing a Crispin Apple Tree

Growing Crispin apple trees is much like growing any other type of apple. Give it plenty of space to grow to a width of 12 to 15 feet (3.5-4.5 m.) and to have good air circulation to prevent disease. Make sure the soil drains well and that the tree will get a half to a full day of direct sunlight. Place it near to another apple tree for pollination. Water your tree until it is established and then Mutsu apple care is pretty straightforward. Water during drought conditions, provide occasional fertilizer, and prune the tree for shaping and healthy growth once a year. Watch your Crispin apple tree for signs of disease, as it may be susceptible to cedar apple rust and is very susceptible to blister spot, apple scab, powdery mildew, and fire blight. By giving your tree the right conditions and taking care with watering and soil drainage, it is possible to avoid pests and diseases. But, because of the high susceptibility of Crispin trees, be sure you know the signs of disease and take steps to manage them early.

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