When Do I Harvest Radishes?
When you think of radishes, many people think of the small, round red type of radish but the fact is that there are a number of different types of radish in a variety of hues and sizes. Knowing what type of radish you are growing will tell you when to pick radishes. The small red radish most of us are used to will be ready to harvest as soon as three weeks from planting. You can begin picking radishes when the roots are about an inch (2.5 cm.) across. Just pull one out to check on the size. For winter radishes, such as Daikon, which can grow quite large before their quality deteriorates, pull before the ground freezes. Winter radishes can be stored in moist, cold storage for up to four months. If you leave them too long before harvesting radishes, the root becomes quite pithy and, as temperatures warm, you risk the plant bolting.
How to Pick Radish
As previously mentioned, a good way to tell if the radishes are ready to be harvested is to simply pull one from the soil. If the soil is particularly crusted or hard, use a garden fork or trowel to gently lift the root from the soil. Cut the tops and tail root from the radishes and wash them. Dry them well and store them in the refrigerator in a plastic bag until ready to use. Don’t forget about the radish greens! They are also edible and can be stored separately for up to three days. Radishes can be planted and enjoyed throughout spring, summer and fall. They are great in salads and pasta dishes.