About Late Season Bok Choy

Bok choy, also known as pak choy and various spellings of the two, is a member of the Brassicaceae family, or cool season cabbage family. Growing bok choy in the fall is ideal because it thrives in cooler temperatures. Consider companion planting your autumn grown bok choy with other cool season veggies such as other greens like:

Lettuce Spinach Arugula Swiss chard Asian greens

The plants also do well with the following:

Beets Carrots Turnips Radishes Kale Broccoli Cauliflower Broccoli rabe

When to Plant Fall Bok Choy

Baby varieties of bok choy are ready to harvest in around 30 days, while larger varieties are ready 4-6 weeks from sowing. For a fall harvest, direct sow bok choy in the mid-to late summer to as late as a few weeks before your first average frost in the fall if you provide the plants with protection such as a cold frame. For bok choy fall planting, direct sow ½ inch (1 cm.) deep in rows that are 18-30 inches (46-76 cm.) apart. Thin the seedlings to between 6-12 inches (15-30 cm.) apart. You may also set transplants out at 6-2-inch (15-30 cm.) spacings 4-6 weeks prior to the first frost in your area. Mulch fall crops heavily and keep them consistently moist to avoid premature bolting. In regions with warmer temperatures, plant bok choy in partial sun. Remove weeds from around the plants and till the soil gently to increase oxygen levels at the roots. The wide, tender leaves of bok choy scream “dinner!” to soft bodied pests such as snails and slugs. Use an organic slug bait to prevent damage to the delicate leaves.

Growing Late Season Bok Choy Crops   How And When To Plant Fall Bok Choy - 71