Information about Acoma Crepe Myrtle

Acoma crepe myrtle trees (Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei ‘Acoma’) are hybrid trees with a semi-dwarf, semi-pendulous habit. They are filled with slightly drooping, snowy, showy flowers all summer long. These trees put on an attractive autumn display at the end of the summer. The foliage turns purple before it falls. Acoma only grows to about 9.5 feet (3 m.) tall and 11 feet (3 m.) wide. The trees usually have multiple trunks. This is why the trees can be wider than they are tall.

How to Grow an Acoma Crepe Myrtle

Those growing Acoma crepe myrtles find that they are relatively trouble free. When the Acoma cultivar came on the market in 1986, it was among the first mildew-resistant crepe myrtles. It isn’t troubled by many insect pests either. If you want to start growing Acoma crepe myrtles, you’ll want to learn something about where to plant these trees. You’ll also need information on Acoma myrtle care. Acoma crepe myrtle trees thrive in USDA plant hardiness zones 7b through 9. Plant this small tree in a site that gets full sun to encourage maximum flowering. It isn’t picky about soil types and can grow happily in any type of soil from a heavy loam to clay. It accepts a soil pH of 5.0 to 6.5. Acoma myrtle care includes ample irrigation the year the tree is first transplanted in your yard. After its root system is established, you can cut back on water. Growing Acoma crepe myrtles does not necessarily include pruning. However, some gardeners thin lower branches to expose the lovely trunk. If you do prune, act in late winter or early spring before growth begins.