Growing Streptocarpella

Also known as false African violet, streptocarpella plant is a member of the Gerneriaceae family. First time growers most commonly acquire plants as a gift, or as a winter purchase from garden centers. It is easy for gardeners to be drawn to their gorgeous blue flowers and long cascading growth habit. One of the most commonly available cultivars, Streptocarpella ‘Concord Blue,’ is especially prized for its use as an annual in outdoor containers.  Delicate flowers, held high above the plant on fragile stems, offer much needed texture to indoor pots and outdoor plantings. Once established, streptocarpella plants grow to create a magnificent cascade of foliage and flowers. Many growers find that false African violets will flower freely on porches and in yards throughout the entirety of summer.  

False African Violet Care

Though many plants within this family can be difficult to grow, streptocarpella care is relatively simple. Proper streptocarpella care begins with the selection of a high quality potting mix that drains well. Plants will also need ample room for root growth, though they are able to thrive in smaller containers, such as window boxes. False African violet care will require careful attention to the plant’s light needs. The best outdoor locations for these plants are those which receive very bright, yet indirect, sunlight.  Routine watering will be required in order to ensure that soils remain consistently moist, especially during prolonged periods of hot weather. As a tropical plant, false African violets are extremely sensitive to cold. All plants should remain indoors until temperatures consistently rise above 55 degrees F. (13 C.). This will help to avoid damage to leaves and prevent yellowing and potential dieback.  

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