Greens to Grow Over Winter

Growing greens in winter is all about keeping them and the soil beneath them warm. This can be achieved a few ways, depending upon just how cold it is. Garden fabric works wonders when it comes to keeping greens safe and warm in cool weather. When the temperature drops, protect your winter salad greens further with a garden quilt. If growing greens in winter to you means all winter long, then you’ll want to switch to plastic, ideally held up with a structure called a hoop house. Build a structure made of plastic piping (or metal, if you’re expecting heavy snowfall) over your winter salad greens. Stretch over the structure thin, translucent plastic and secure it in place with clamps. Include a flap on opposite ends that can be easily opened and closed. On sunny days, even in the dead of winter, you’ll need to open the flaps to allow air circulation. This keeps the space inside from overheating and, importantly, prevents buildup of excessive moisture and disease or insect infestation.

How to Grow Greens in the Winter

Greens to grow over winter are often greens that germinate and thrive in cool temperatures. Keeping them cool in the summer is just as important as keeping them warm in the winter. If you’re looking to start your winter salad greens in late summer, you may want to start them indoors, away from hot temperatures outside. Once the temperatures begin to drop, transplant them outside. Beware though- plants really do need ten hours of sunlight per day to grow. Starting your plants early in the fall ensures they’ll be big enough to harvest from in the winter, when they won’t necessarily be able to replenish harvested leaves.

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