Full Sun Flower Bulbs

Most summer blooming bulbs require at least 6 hours (preferably more) of sun per day. The following full sun flower bulbs are in the latter category and thrive with full sun all day long. 

Dahlias  Lilies  Gladiolas Cannas Calla lilies  Crocosmia Liatris  Eucomis Crinum Acidanthera  Nerine 

All of the bulbs listed above are full-sun flower bulbs that should receive eight or more hours of sun. 

Flowering Bulbs that Grow in Partial Shade

Some bulbs typically thought of as being shade lovers can actually thrive in partial shade; six hours of sunlight. Flowering bulbs for shade include:

Allium Grecian Windflower Glory-of-the Snow  Crocus Winter Aconite Checkered lily  Common Snowdrop  Grape Hyacinth Siberian Squill

All of the above can be grown in sun but will also thrive in partial shade. Also the low woodland tulip (Tulipa sylvestris) will do well in sun or shade.  All summer blooming bulbs should have a site that is well-draining with light, nutrient rich soil. Plant full sun or shade loving bulbs two to three times as deep as the bulb is tall, and space them 2-5 inches (5-13 cm.) apart in massed plantings for full impact. 

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