Daylily Companion Plants

There are a few basic guidelines to consider when choosing companions for daylilies. First of all, daylilies prefer full sun or at least very light shade, so any companion plants for daylily plants should have similar requirements. Be careful, though – don’t plant anything taller than your daylilies, or else you’ll accidentally create shade in your sunny spot. Daylilies also like well-drained, rich, slightly acidic soil, so stick to plants that like the same. Avoid planting daylilies under trees, as the shade will stunt their growth and the tree roots will get in the way of the lilies’ own extensive root system.

What to Plant with Daylily

There are plenty of good daylily companion plants. Daylilies will bloom all through the summer, so plant them interspersed with a variety of plants that bloom at different times to keep your garden looking full and interesting. Some good flowers to plant with daylilies include:

Echinacea Lavender Shasta daisy Bergamot Phlox Black-eyed Susan Baby’s breath Yarrow

Although daylilies look amazing scattered with other blooms, you don’t have to restrict yourself to plants known only for their flowers. Some good companions for daylilies that have striking foliage as well include Russian sage, hosta, and heuchera.

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