Writing with Bedding Plants
Using flowers to make words involves planting colorful flowering plants, usually annuals, close together so that they resemble a carpet – which is why this method of planting may also be referred to as carpet bedding. Forming words with plants works best if you have a fairly large space too. This allows you the room to spell out a word, like a name, or even to create interesting shapes or geometric designs.
Choosing Carpet Bedding Plants
Look for dense, low-growing plants for carpet bedding in gardens. The plants should be bold colors that will show up. Limit your design to a single color for each letter. A few examples of carpet bedding plants include:
Pansies Ageratum Nicotiana Alyssum Nemesia Lobelia
How to Plant Flowers to Spell Out Words or Pictures
That’s it! Now that you know how to create your own carpet bedding design, get started and put your garden plants into words.