Can You Eat Peach Resin?

Is peach sap edible? Yes, peach sap is edible. In fact, it is commonly ingested in Chinese culture. The Chinese have been eating peach tree resin for thousands of years. It is used for both medicinal and culinary purposes.

Peach Sap from Trees

Usually, peach tree resin is purchased packaged. It looks like hardened amber. While the Chinese have been eating gum from peach trees for centuries, they don’t just harvest it off the tree and pop it in their mouths. Prior to eating peach tree resin, it must be soaked overnight or up to 18 hours and then slowly brought to a boil and cooked down. It is then cooled and any impurities, such as dirt or bark, are picked from it. Then, once the resin is clean, depending upon the use for the peach tree resin, additives are mixed in. Peach gum is commonly used in Chinese sweets but it may also be used to nourish the body or as an emollient to rejuvenate the skin. It is said to create firmer skin with less wrinkles and to cleanse the blood, build up the immune system, remove cholesterol, and balance the body’s pH. Seems that peach resin has quite the health benefits but, remember, it’s imperative that you are completely knowledgeable prior to eating any part of a plant and always consult with your doctor beforehand.

Can You Eat Peach Resin   What To Do With Peach Sap From Trees - 10