Tips on Calathea Care in Winter
Calathea is a moisture loving plant, but you can cut back slightly during the winter when the plant is dormant, and growth is slow. Don’t let the soil become bone dry and always water if the plant appears wilted. Calathea plants require humidity, especially during the winter months when indoor air is dry. The best way to add moisture to the air is to use a humidifier. Otherwise, set the pot on a humidity tray or keep it in the bathroom or kitchen, where the air tends to be more humid. Withhold fertilizer during the winter months, then resume your regular feeding schedule in spring. Calathea winter care includes keeping the plant in a warm room with temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees F. (15-20 C.). Never let the temperature drop below 59 degrees F. (15 C.). Don’t place the plant near drafty windows or doors. Move your calathea plant to a slightly sunnier window as days get shorter and darker, but continue to avoid intense, direct sunlight. Be careful not to place the plant too close to a drafty window.
Calathea Winter Care: Winterizing Calathea Grown Outdoors
If you keep your calathea outdoors during warm weather, inspect the plant for pests and disease and treat the problem before bringing the plant indoors in late summer or autumn. Prepare to overwinter a calathea by acclimating it gradually to the change in environments. For instance, if the plant was in bright sunlight, put it in dappled sunlight or light shade for several days before bringing it indoors. It’s normal for calathea to drop a few leaves when you bring it indoors. Remove any dead or yellowing leaves or branches using sharp, clean scissors or pruners.