What Causes Loose Leafed, Poorly Formed Heads?
Loose leafed, poorly formed heads is directly related to when the heads form. If the heads form in the appropriate weather, which is cool weather, the heads will be firm. If the heads form in weather that is too warm, the plant will produce loose leafed, poorly formed heads.
Brussels Sprouts Care to Prevent Loose Leafed, Poorly Formed Heads
Since this issue is related to warm weather, if possible try to plant your Brussels sprouts earlier. The use of a cold frame or hoop house can help in areas that are prone to late frosts. If planting earlier is not an option, you may want to switch the kind of Brussels sprouts. Grow Brussels sprouts with a shorter maturity time. These varieties mature weeks ahead of normal Brussels sprouts and will develop heads during a cooler time in the season. Making sure that the plant has plenty of nutrients can also help the plant fight producing loose leafed, poorly formed heads in warm weather. Work in fertilizer or manure into the soil you plan on planting your Brussels sprouts in. You can also trim the top of the plant once it reaches 2-3 feet (60-90 cm.) tall. This will help it redirect energy back into the heads. With a little bit of change to your Brussels sprouts care, growing Brussels sprouts that do not have loose leafed, poorly formed heads will be possible.