Growing Korean Giant pear trees is relatively straightforward, and you’ll have an abundance of juicy pears in about three to five years. Let’s learn how to grow Korean Giant pears.
Growing Asian Pear Korean Giant
Korean Giant Asian pear trees are suitable for growing in USDA plant hardiness zones 6 through 9, although some sources indicate the trees will survive chilly winters as far north as zone 4. Korean Giant Asian pear tree is not self-pollinating and needs another pear tree of a different variety nearby for pollination, preferably within 50 feet (15 m.). Korean Giant Asian pear trees prefer rich, well-drained soil; however, they are adaptable to nearly any soil, with the exception of heavy clay. Before planting Asian Pear Korean Giant, dig in a generous amount of organic material such as rotted manure, compost, dry grass clippings, or shredded leaves. Ensure the tree receives full sunlight for at least six hours per day. Established pear trees need no supplemental irrigation unless the weather is dry. In this case, water the tree deeply, using drip irrigation or a soaker hose, every 10 days to two weeks. Fertilize Korean Giant pears using a balanced, general-purpose fertilizer when the tree begins bearing fruit. Feed the tree after bud break in spring, but never later than July or mid-summer. Prune Korean Giant Asian pear trees in late winter, before the buds begin to swell. The trees rarely require thinning.