How to Grow Ferns Indoors

Before choosing among the many types of ferns for your next houseplant, it’s important to understand what they need to thrive inside. Most ferns grown as houseplants come from the tropics, so they like indirect light, warmth, and humidity.  All ferns should grow in containers with good drainage. When watering a fern indoors, know the variety’s specific needs. Most ferns like moist soil, but some, like the Boston fern, do best when the top of the soil just dries out before the next watering.  Tropical ferns need humidity, which can be a problem inside in the winter. Use a mister or a pebble tray to create a more humid environment around your ferns. Ferns don’t need full sunlight, so place your plants near a north or east window. 

Top Fern Houseplant Varieties

These are some types of ferns ideal for growing indoors: 

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